Have you ever thought about going on fantastic adventures? Did you dream about being a big dwarf that can destroy the sinfulness?

Well, now is the time to start your adventure, with an adventure matching your... size?

You are a wizard dwarf that obtained a staff that can change the WORLD, well, only the size but you can CHANGE THE WORLD!

Now, the time has come to take revenge from the elfs!

The game is pretty simple. You must kill all that elves that messed with your size, turning them in little elfs that you can crush, or maybe play with them before their time ends. 

Again, this is your judgement and yours only!

*No elfs were harmed in the making of this game



WASD: Move your dwarf.

Shift: Make an Sprint moving your dwarf ASS.

Left Click: Shot a bullet that decreases the enemies size. TAKE AIM

Right Click: Shot a bullet that increases the enemies size. TAKE AIM



Game Designer: Borja Martín, Jorge Lizon

Programmers: Iván Pomares, Jose Miguel Brotons, Lucas Mataix, David Martín

Artists: Victor Martínez & Assets from people mentioned below

Music: Assets from people mentioned below.


3rd Party Assets Credits

Ale and Anecdotes by Darren Curtis | https://www.darrencurtismusic.com/

Pixel Keyboard Keys byt dreammix | https://dreammix.itch.io/keyboard-keys-for-ui

MV Platformer Elves by zwonky | https://opengameart.org/content/mv-platformer-elves-32x64

Decrase 01.wav by michael_kur95 -- https://freesound.org/s/333077/


dwarf-to-size.zip 43 MB


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Love the visuals and overall look! The giant elves are very intimidating